Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Fall - Room To Live

I was hesitant to prick the Fall balloon, of whack the Fall pinata for all that would fall out/could fall out all over this here blog. But as I age, I pursue moderation and self-control knowing now that a small chunk of an excellent thing is often better than being knee deep in THE shit. The pursuit and anticipation being so much more juicy than the acquisition. So, anycrap, here let me ruin it for you and bust the Fall cherry here...

Released this month in 1982 (when Mark E. had all his teeth!). Sick your gums on this! And don't forget to annoy your family by talking like Mark E. Smith for hours on end-dah!
From Perfect Sound Forever: Coming after the epiphany of Hex Enduction Hour, RTL received something of a critical drubbing and I'm not sure its reputation has ever recovered. RTL's value lies in its relaxed and scattershot approach, its refusal to be a monolithic statement, and its willingness to experiment and possibly fail. Ramshackle, witty, and "undilutable," this was the last gasp of the band as we had come to know them. Marc Riley would soon be gone and the cover versions and picture discs were around the corner.
Although I am not one of those who write off the Beggars Banquet years (some of their finest records came out of this period, I think) and although nostalgia is a very dangerous word to use when discussing the merits of The Fall, I know there's a part of me that feels that something wonderful seemed to be lost past this point. Was it too much paranoia creeping in or too many personal crises? There's a brute confidence and joy on this record that's hard to miss-and equally hard to duplicate.

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