Monday, November 16, 2009

Walter Wanderley - Rain Forest

Don't we owe this here forest a nod, an ass grab, a low five, a salut for its almost daily enrichment of our otherwise sordid and unfulfilling lives filled with torment, dread, unanswered anticipation and high fructose corn syrup?

Doing a little research on Wanderley releases I came across the following blog post on this record. I think this says way more than intended and does this record a fine honor. Sexy music, I say!

from LORONIX blog: This amazing cover shows a Toucan, a Ramphastos. They are not social like zecalouro but are really beautiful. Perhaps only a few Loronixers had the chance to touch a Toucan and take a closer look. An angry Toucan can make serious injury to each other when there are fertile females around. Their beautiful big peak is hot like the body with a thin tongue.

Well, this is a music blog and zecalouro is going nuts! Let's go back to business...


1 comment:

balustrade said...

The Brazilian Jimmy Smith. I wonder how many films have featured these numbers.

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