Monday, November 23, 2009

Debarge - In A Special Way

Undoubtedly a perfect example of it is what it is. Pure and sincere and I really don't use that many (different) drugs anymore... unless you call sweet cleans soul some kinda jenke then geddemn hook a brother up, na mean!?

This forces to remove you from your hepster barriers, your kool suspenders. Jyst listen.


From the Dean of American Rock Critics, Robert Christgau: When first I fell in love with the austere lilt and falsetto fantasy they've pinned to plastic here, I thought it was just that I'd finally outgrown the high-energy fixation that's always blocked my emotional access to falsetto ballads. So I went back to Spinners and Blue Magic, Philip Bailey and my man Russell Thompkins Jr., and indeed, they all struck a little deeper--but only, I soon realized, because the superior skill of these kids had opened me up. I know of no pop music more shameless in its pursuit of pure beauty--not emotional (much less intellectual) expression, just voices joining for their own sweet sake, with the subtle Latinized rhythms (like the close harmonies themselves) working to soften odd melodic shapes and strengthen the music's weave. High energy doesn't always manifest itself as speed and volume--sometimes it gets winnowed down to its essence. A+


1 comment:

arlopop said...

There will be much displeasure in the forest associated with this sapling.

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