Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blue in Heaven - All the Gods Men [1985]

reacquaintance: curtsey obscurely fragile.

too precious for you! i was
introduced to this via processed
back in the day
i fell for it hard then,
harder than most folks did at the time,
and maybe still doubtless harder than is unwarranted now,
but hey, nostalgia kicks all ass sideways, no?
for reference, id say go straight to
"It's Saturday"
and maybe after that, look
"In Your Eyes"

minor, slight, affected, purrrfect.

or hey,
if you're looking for pure pop potential,
head straight to "The Big Beat"
with the priceless lines:

"you boys are really wild / wear you hair on top of your head"


"you're so stupid, you believe in everything / will i like you when I'm high?"

(oh yeah, and this be vintage martin hannett)


Steve said...

Many, many thanks for this. Did Processed do this from vinyl? I've never seen either of the BiH albums on CD.

Baywatch said...

Processed does have a nice burn of this but this is not it. this came courtesy the referenced blog. I also have never seen a CD.

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