Friday, February 19, 2010

Charlie Parker - The Savoy Recordings (Master Takes) [1944-1948]

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o - o

/// all of what you get here is way fantastic incandescent from bird* and (19 yo) miles \\\
// the latter spanking out 3 timefull classicks: milestones, little willie leaps, half nelson \\
/ but don't disneglect th-bit-o-Diz on KoKo, the tiny grime, the curly Russell, the roach \
(i know I don't have to ask you to make sure and take note of Mr Charlie Parker).
(b/c this guy is
"impossible to miss"
This warn't my first CP record (that would be the soundtrack to the Eastwood bio)
but it was always my favorite post-initial-acquisition, thereabouts 1988 or so, and
i had it for so many years that i took it for granted and lost it a decade ago or so

found it last week abroad during a protracted visit to Amoeba SF
and got shivers down ma spine at me first (re) sight. viola!
there it is. (for some reason it's all "Cheryl" now).
but if you were me, they'd go straight to
Number Twelve: little willie leaps,
and ride far past ah-leu-cha
on the merry-go-round
(note constellation)

or just please


[*ancienne venti-cinq]


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balustrade said...

Nice ASCI!!

balustrade said...

Make that, ASCII!

Anonymous said...

This is great, Baywatch. Goes well with caffeine!

J Thyme...kind said...

Great set. I owned this one about 25 years ago. Thanks for sharing.

J Thyme...kind said...

Is this a two disc set? The set seems to be missing some sweet vocal numbers that were on the "Complete Savoy Recordings" 2 LP set. "Romance without finance", "I'll always love you just the same".

Baywatch said...

Hey J Thyme,

I know what yr talking about -- I seem to recall having a vinyl double LP version with those vocals -- alas none of that is on this one disc set.

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