Thursday, January 22, 2009

Animal Collective - Sung Tongs

In honor of the release of the AC's latest and greatest, "Merriweather Post Pavilion" - a big & stunning, revelatory/unique chunk of music - I provide this contributor's favorite Animal Collective effort prior to MPP.

This is the stuff that defines the Animal Collective to me - strums and drums and tribalrhythms in the days before they discovered samples and grime. Not that samplers and grime are bad, especially in the hands of the innovative --- oh oh oh not at all -- but old world acousticity in the hands of the innovative too can be just as world-opening as the bleepblop of samples and drum machines.

This is my faaaave.


Pitchfork: Since their first release, Brooklyn's Animal Collective have soundtracked the surreal, manic experience of "immature" euphoria. In fact, the Tare/Bear duo responsible for Sung Tongs is the same that issued 2000's Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished, a singular, idiosyncratic take on fairy tale folk and starchild pop. Fairy tales and star-children: These are impressions of 'The Beyond' for imaginative children, and it's this mentality that Animal Collective explore and evoke. It might seem whimsical or silly, but only in the sense that these perceptions are the birthrights of all children, and this band have such facility with their musical environment that they manage to turn something primal into something almost timeless. Rather, grace is wasted on the elegant.


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