Thursday, June 17, 2010

COIL - Musick to Play in the Dark (1999-2000)

formed in 1982
by John Balance and his partner
Peter Christopherson, aka "Sleazy".
The duo worked together on a series of releases before Balance chose the name Coil,
which he claimed to be inspired by the omnipresence of the coil's shape in nature.
Today, Coil remains one of the most influential and best known industrial music groups.
Although Coil expressed interest in many musical groups,
they rarely, if ever, claimed to be influenced by them.
Coil explicitly stated the influence of such non-musical sources as
Furthermore, the group were friends with Burroughs and owned some of Spare's original artwork.
Coil's worked in such genres as
creating what Balance explicitly referred to as
"magickal music".
Balance described the early Coil work as "solar"
and the later work as "moon musick".
is one of two albums attributed purely to a style called "moon musick",
which signified their change from a "solar" to a "moon" group.

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