Friday, February 26, 2010

February FROXX From Admin

Holy smokes does Winter just blow you down er wha?!

Flipping the flapjack with a audio gift here. A few of the heavy Feb spins on these ears. SINCE Blogger fails to defend the defenseless flailer, flogger, flipper and thief, concubine, sordid sentinel, drifting fanboy and otherwise all out merciless copyright fucker, here's the deal - a mixblogtape made speshially for you. Lay down your RIAA arms and dance, enemies!

A LITTLE SYMBOL OF MY DEVOTION The Doors - Changeling The Howling Hex - Contraband and Betrayal John Frusciante - Helical The Red Krayola - The Jewels of Madonna Anthony and The Johnsons - Fistful of Love Spiritualized - Angel Sigh (live) Theoretical Girls - Contrary Mothion Tom Ze - Quero Sambal Meu Bem White Rainbow - Monday Boogies Forward Forever Young Marble Giants - Credit In The Straight World Dungen - Vem Vaktar Lejonen The Standells - Medication

Let this guide you through the remaining chilly ill n ick.

ForestRoxx Admin


Rocky said...


furryhamster said...

Thanks for this spifftastic mixtape. Fine taste in music.

Starsky said...

Oooh, thx!

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