Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tony Conrad with Faust - Outside The Dream Syndicate

At first a small and hypnotic record that quietly becomes possessive and a monster. Let it lean into you. Give it some time. Put it on. Get in your hammock and let the screws work their way in.


AMG: Recorded over a span of three days in 1973, Outside the Dream Syndicate was Tony Conrad's first official release; though also credited to the celebrated Kraut rock band Faust, it's primarily a showcase for Conrad's minimalist drone explorations, an aesthetic fascinatingly at odds with the noisy, fragmented sound of his collaborators. Consisting of three epic tracks, each topping out in excess of 20 minutes, the album is hypnotically contemplative; the music shifts in subtle -- almost subliminal -- fashion, and the deeper one listens, the more rewarding it becomes.

Dusted: Anybody who’s reveled in the hypno-purr, clang and swoosh that typified the 1972 effort might feel, as I did, that as great as that album was, a certain push over the edge was lacking. All of the necessary components were there – Jean Herve Peron’s rippingly metallic bass, Zappi Deiarmeir’s stoically thunderous drums, Conrad’s shrill and ever-changing “eternal music” violin ruminations, all augmented by keyboard atmospheres courtesy of the late Rudolf Sosna. It all sounds just a shade too perfect now, too contrived, with every element audible without achieving the necessary blend. As a recent album title has it, “It’s magnificent, but it isn’t war.” Conrad’s Early Minimalism project came much closer to how I imagined the 1972 material to sound in Wumme – stark, full, distortion breeding difference tones which breeded three-dimensionality.



Anonymous said...

thanks - steve.

Bronze Age UFO said...

I just put this on the other day. So good.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Baywatch - looks to me like you'd appreciate all the available live and rare recordings (incl. unreleassed 1975 "Faust V" tape and two gigs from 2009) indexed in my mega-post below:

Cheers, Dave Sez.

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