Friday, December 26, 2008

John Coltrane/Johnny Hartman - John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman

I doubt this one is necessary, but the disc was on in my car today and it's been stuck in my head, so here you go.

The smoothest silkiest record you're ever likely to hear.

From allmusic:

John Coltrane's matchup with singer Johnny Hartman, although quite unexpected, works extremely well. Hartman, who had not recorded since 1956, was in prime form on the six ballads, and his versions of "Lush Life" and "My One and Only Love" have never been topped. Coltrane's playing throughout the session is beautiful, sympathetic, and still exploratory; he sticks exclusively to tenor on the date. At only half an hour, one wishes there were twice as much music, but what is here is classic, essential for all jazz collections.

The sound is incredible, the performances subtle and impeccable, the mood ideal: with New Years Eve around the corner there is no better recording with which to slowdance with the one you love... or just fall in love.


1 comment:

Rocky said...

love this album but have been without a copy for forever and a day. thanks for the xmas gift!

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